About Us
Our Mission
The Gianna Cirella Memorial Fund has been established to provide assistance for sepsis research, education and to children and their families who have been affected by sepsis. 💜
Legislation Support
After almost 5 years of hard work, many hours of testimony, attending Legislation hearings, and telling our story, The State of Rhode Island passed legislation which will mandate sepsis education and training for all medical professionals in all hospitals, all medical care facilities including urgent care centers, and EMS, for adults and children, beginning February 2024. This legislation makes it mandatory for the Department of Health to provide education materials and training for the early recognition and treatment of sepsis, which ultimately save lives all across our state. We are especially proud to be the first state in New England to pass such legislation! #SepsisSafe!
Family Support
On behalf of Gianna, we are sending care packages to Hasbro Children's Hospital to distribute to families experiencing the harsh reality of having a sick child. Our intention is to share a little kindness and bring a little comfort to them in their time of need. 💜

The Gianna Cirella Memorial Fund offers two scholarships each year. The Scholarships are available to any TollGate High School Senior that will attend a 4 year college or university and will be awarded to one male and one female that meet the requirements outlined in the application. 💜